Tuesday, July 23, 2019

GSJ Arena Master

Galactic Space Junk Arena is finally finished! You can now use rapid fire water bursts thanks to my shader optimization and get points for destroying rocks. The large rocks are 5 points, the medium are 3 and the small are 1. The postmortem is below

So what went right?
Using the CURE programming architecture worked beautifully. It made it easier to find bugs and if I got stuck creating more objects around it seemed to work really well.

So what went wrong?
When I first started rewriting GSJ Arena I made one function and put all of the code in it. It was pretty much a disaster until I started creating objects with CURE which made things a lot easier. Next I had a weird bug where the rocks would disappear before I could even blast them with the water cannon. The problem was that the collision engine was testing collisions between the same rock. The rest of the bugs were either misspellings or a line of code in the wrong place.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Artificial Inteligence

Time to post something on my blog again. I figured I would update you on what I have been working on. Lately I have been dabbling with programming artificial intelligence algorithms. I started by looking back at my browser's AI bookmarks folder. Unfortunately most of the bookmarks do not work anymore but I found a website that has not been updated in decades. It is still a gem for ai beginners though. The website is AI Horizon. It starts you out with decision trees and then takes you to the bare bones of neural networks. If you want to start learning artificial intelligence check it out: http://www.aihorizon.com/essays/generalai/index.htm

Also AI Depot has mostly broken links on its front page but if you google it you can find some of the back pages that still work.