Monday, November 9, 2020

1 Trillion Dollars

FYI Solar Fusion Software's website is sweet sixteen years old this year. Also, PlumeriaSC 4 is still in development and coming along well. While I was searching the internet for inspiration I rediscovered an interesting article that stated that in 2016 a study of the largest companies in the world spent over 1 Trillion Dollars fixing bugs in software code. Rest assured PlumeriaSC 4 is being designed to stop bugs just like PlumeriaSC 3 and more. To show how easy it is to write bugs in software this last year I have used well over 50 percent of my development time rewriting code to fix bugs. The upside to this is that it has made me think of more creative ways to build the interface and write the code behind it. Finally I have written about putting AI in PlumeriaSC before. This time Neural Networks look like something that would work out well for PlumeriaSC’s roadmap. I think it is safe to say the PlumeriaSC 3 interface is not going away anytime soon especially since it can encapsulate Machine Learning so well. Hopefully, you will see some of it in the months to come.