Thursday, August 16, 2012

PlumeriaSC 1.6 beta

PlumeriaSC 1.6 is in closed beta testing now and will be the final major version of PlumeriaSC. 1.6 includes networking (yes I finally got it implemented after working on it for a year) and an iPhone simulator with an accelerometer simulator. New changes that come out after 1.6 will be for minor updates and bugs fixes to keep it current.
     It is interesting to look back and see how advanced the ideas for PlumeriaSC were when it was first in development. PlumeriaSC was started in May 2009 on Xcode 3. Back then Apple's developer tool (Xcode 3) made it very difficult to create full and demo versions in the same project. Also the iPhone and Mac applications would only work if each was created in its own separate project. Xcode 3 did not have any easy way to save different versions of the project.
     When PlumeriaSC first started the iPhone had just come out and the iPad was still a few years down the road. Back then PlumeriaSC was really only for Mac with support for iOS devices being added later. When iOS support was added PlumeriaSC was almost totally rewritten and rebuilt around the features of the iOS instead of Mac. Since then PlumeriaSC has had two to three major rewrites. PlumeriaSC has 20,000 lines of code and is still less than ten megabytes. It has been actively developed 750 days, although, not continuously developed every day.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

PlumeriaSC 1.4.2 Released

We have been working hard on fixing all of the bugs in the last version of Plumeria Smart Charts. This version has many new features. Now that math objects and text objects have been removed you can save regular objects directly to disk (In a plist file or the preference file). The Mac Simulator has numerous improvements and the iOS code has been improved as well.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

PlumeriaSC 1.4.1 Released

Plumeria was just updated to 1.4.1 beta1.
This new version fixes some bugs and adds better clarity to several error windows. We have some cool things planned for the 1.5 release so expect some updates in the near future.

Monday, May 7, 2012

PlumeriaSC First Release

Plumeria Smart Charts has been released. PlumeriaSC is a programming tool also known as an IDE (Integrated Developer Environment). It allows someone to create 3D applications for iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, and Mac seamlessly. It has the ease of use of creating a flow chart and the programming power of an object-oriented visual programming language behind it. Unlike some visual languages everything that you program is visible in the flow charts. You do not write any code. If you are interested in seeing PlumeriaSC in action we have 40 video lessons that start out simple and then slowly take you to the more advanced concepts. Visit our website and check out Plumeria Smart Charts